
Min and mon
Min and mon

min and mon

The Prime Min­is­ter has spent much of his term ex­plain­ing why he’s tak­en the tough de­ci­sions while try­ing to right the ship. It is fair­ly plain to see why a long-term vi­sion for the coun­try should fea­ture a work-from-home pol­i­cy, cre­at­ing an ef­fec­tive pub­lic trans­port sys­tem and de­cen­tral­is­ing gov­ern­ment ser­vices as part of a de­vel­op­men­tal plan. The com­mit­tee found: “In the area of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, the ma­jor­i­ty of en­ti­ties re­port­ed that pro­duc­tiv­i­ty re­mained the same dur­ing the WFH pe­ri­od, that over­all, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty was not neg­a­tive­ly af­fect­ed by WFH arrange­ments” and al­so that “the ma­jor­i­ty of state bod­ies re­port­ed that their em­ploy­ers were able to work just as ef­fec­tive­ly at home as they did in the of­fice.”īased on the find­ings of the com­mit­tee there­fore, there is no valid rea­son why a rea­son­able work-from-home pol­i­cy for pub­lic ser­vants can­not be pur­sued, es­pe­cial­ly in a con­text where for decades, a dis­cus­sion on the man hours lost in traf­fic head­ing in­to the cap­i­tal and the de­cen­tral­i­sa­tion of gov­ern­ment ser­vices to al­le­vi­ate this is­sue has been an on­go­ing dis­cus­sion. Even his more ar­dent sup­port­ers called him “tone deaf and out of touch!” with the re­al­i­ty.įur­ther­more, the find­ings from a Joint Se­lect Com­mit­tee Re­port on “the Im­pact of Work-from-Home and Al­ter­na­tive Work Arrange­ments, Poli­cies and Ini­tia­tives on Pub­lic Sec­tor Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and Ser­vice De­liv­ery,” con­tra­dict what the Prime Min­is­ter de­scribed. Need­less to say, it’s rare in this ex­treme­ly po­larised so­ci­ety to see uni­ver­sal con­dem­na­tion of a state­ment - but that’s ex­act­ly what the re­sponse was to the PM’s state­ment on the mat­ter. It was, there­fore, a slap in the face to the thou­sands who ac­tu­al­ly made it work dur­ing the pan­dem­ic to sug­gest it failed and has no hope go­ing for­ward. And while, it may not have worked as per­fect­ly as some sec­tors of so­ci­ety may have liked it to, there was un­doubt­ed­ly suc­cess in some ar­eas. They range north to southern China, south to Malaysia, west to Assam state in India, and east to Vietnam. Mon-Khmer languages constitute the indigenous language family of mainland Southeast Asia. How­ev­er, for two years dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, the Gov­ern­ment utilised the very same work-from-home pol­i­cy so as to con­trol the spread of the COVID-19 dis­ease. Mon-Khmer languages, language family included in the Austroasiatic stock. To this, the PM said, “I don’t know that we are suf­fi­cient­ly pre­pared for that to be a ma­jor ini­tia­tive, large­ly be­cause it re­quires cer­tain tech­ni­cal in­fra­struc­ture and a cer­tain lev­el of dis­ci­pline. The state­ment nat­u­ral­ly prompt­ed jour­nal­ists to ask about a work-from-home pol­i­cy, posit­ing this could help re­duce the con­ges­tion on the roads. If you get in that traf­fic at a par­tic­u­lar hour for no good rea­son and you’re crawl­ing from San­gre Grande to Port-of-Spain, you’ve burnt your fu­el.” Which was only part of the directive, he said.Some sec­tors of so­ci­ety were hop­ing that by now, Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley would have walked back or added more con­text to state­ments made on Mon­day about work-from-home poli­cies for the pub­lic ser­vice.ĭur­ing his post-Bud­get me­dia con­fer­ence, the Prime Min­is­ter said, “A sim­ple choice, like choos­ing when you trav­el, could save your fu­el bill. In a statement, he called for "a seamless and timely implementation of the Hope Scholarship Program."

min and mon

Paul Hardesty echoed Campbell's philosophy Friday.

min and mon

Some 350 county students at the time had left public school for the West Virginia Academy, the city and state's first charter school.īoard of Education President L. Over the summer before Tabit's ruling, around $2 million in state aid funding was set to come out the budget of Mon's schools as students and their families were considering those aforementioned options. It will, however, also ultimately mean money coming out of the local districts. "It's just one more option for families." "That's a Supreme Court decision, " he said of the 3-2 vote.


Parents will now have the choice to use those dollars for private school, a charter school or home schooling.Ī total of 3, 000 families had already qualified for the outlay when Kanawha County Circuit Judge Joanna Tabit shut it down - saying the scholarship violated the state's Constitutional mandate to provide "thorough and efficient system of free schools " for all.Ĭampbell was pragmatic about the reversal of the reversal Friday.

Min and mon